Cost Information

At UL 69传媒 Student Health Services we are committed to providing excellent medical care to all UL 69传媒 students. As a student member, your contributions enable us to continue to take care of you and your fellow students in a cost-conscious manner. Here's the financial breakdown:

  • There is a membership fee charged once per semester that entitles you to an unlimited number of medical evaluations with a doctor or nurse practitioner during that semester. This includes assessments for illnesses and minor injuries, consultations regarding any medical issues which may concern you, and general physicals.
    • All students taking six (6) or more hours in the fall or spring and three (3) or more hours in the summer have been assessed a student membership fee at registration and are members.
    • Any student not meeting these hourly requirements may purchase a membership for $25.00 per semester.
  • Billable services are services which use clinic resources (other than our staff's time, which is entirely at your disposal) or services provided off-site. These may or may not be covered by your insurance.  If they are not covered, you will be financially responsible for them. They include:
    • all office procedures
    • lab work, including pap smears
    • x-rays and other imaging tests (performed and billed off-site) 
    • IV therapy and injections

      You will be financially responsible for any charges incurred in the office of a specialist, emergency room, walk-in clinic, or hospital if our staff refers you there. Because of this, if you are covered by an individual major medical plan or a parent's or employer's medical insurance policy, we highly recommend that you maintain this coverage. A limited Student Accident Only Insurance Plan is included in your registration if you are carrying sufficient hours to qualify, but it is intended to be just a supplement to a major medical insurance policy. 

Costs may vary, because what you will eventually be held responsible for will depend on your current insurance coverage. If you would like information on our current prices for services, please call (337) 482-1328 or come by theSaucier Wellness Center on Hebrard Blvd.